The structure of the report should be as follows:
1) UDC (in the upper left corner);
2) the title of the report (printed in capital letters, font - bold);
3) an empty string;
4) surname and initials of authors (printed in lower case, font - bold);
5) the full name of the organization and the city (printed in lower case letters, font - italics);
6) an empty string, pp. 1-5 are centered;
7) abstract of 100 to 250 words in Russian and English (outlined in the past tense) text of the report;
8) keywords in Russian and English (from 5 to 15 words);
9) the text of the report;
10) list of sources used.
The text of the report should be typed on an A4 sheet in 1 interval by 12 Times New Roman font with a width equalization in the Microsoft Word text editor not lower than version 2003; the size of the fields: upper, left and right - 2 cm, lower - 1.5 cm, indent - 1.2 cm; line spacing - single; the words "Figure 1 - Name", "List of used sources", "Table 1 - Name" are prescribed completely with center alignment; The transfer of words in the report is not allowed; reference to the literature is done in square brackets; formulas should be typed in Microsoft MathType (style - mathematical, the sizes of characters {usual - 12 pt, large and small indexes - 10 pt, large character - 14 pt, small symbol - 12 pt}); the formula number is indicated in parentheses on the right side, and the formula itself is centered; do not put page numbers; the position of the drawing (flow) - in the text; alignment of the drawing - in the center; Scanned drawings (photos) are performed in black and white, and those drawn in the Microsoft Word graphics editor are grouped.
Publications are transferred to the Organizing Committee TIM'2018 Conference in one of the following ways:
- in a printed form (one copy) or by e-mail. The printout must be performed on a laser printer, it is a reference copy and must have the signatures of the authors certifying the correctness of the publication text;
- Attaching a report file to the on-line registration site.
Materials should have an expert opinion on the possibility of publication.Materials of the reports will be published in the author's edition. When transferring files in electronic form without printing out a claim for the contents of published reports are not accepted.
By the beginning of the conference all reports of participants will be published on the conference website.
Participation in the conference is free of charge. The collection of reports will be published after the conference and with additional appeal sent to authors cash on delivery.
Each participant (student, graduate student or young scientist) can be a co-author of only one report.
© ФГАОУ ВО «УрФУ имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина»
620002, Россия, Свердловская область, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Мира, 28, 3-й учебный корпус.
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+7(343) 375-44-51
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